We learned augmented reality (AR) in class this week. AR technology has been developing rapidly in recent years. Through AR technology, people can see virtual entities of other things on their mobile phones. For example, when buying furniture, you can use AR software to “place” the furniture you want to buy at home through the screen of your mobile phone, so that you can check whether the furniture matches the space of the home. In the same way, when you want to buy a watch, you can virtual “place” the watch on your wrist through the AR software, so that you can check whether the watch matches your own. I think AR technology can also play a great role in multimedia teaching. Some teaching tools that are rarely seen in classrooms can be placed virtually in the classroom. At the same time, for some design courses, such as clothing design, it may be difficult to convey the designer’s ideas through 2D pictures in the classroom. But through AR technology, the whole piece of clothing can be placed in the classroom in 3D virtual, allowing students to observe 360 ​​degrees. However, the current AR technology needs to be improved, and problems such as inaccurate modeling often occur. If these usage problems can be solved, I believe that the AR technology in the classroom will be widely used in the future.