I wonder if I put a few words here?

Weekly Blog 5

This week I learned a new concept, SAMR model. It is divided into several levels, “Substitution, Augmentation, Modification and Redefinition”. The advantage of SAMR is to help students visualize complex concepts and enable students to better understand the content of learning. It will also make multimedia learning more efficient. Sketchnoting is a method of taking notes by drawing pictures. This is a very useful method. The method of combining text and visual patterns when taking notes will make note taking faster and more efficient. When reviewing notes, it will also be easier to recall students’ memories and facilitate understanding. I think this is a very good method. I often draw pictures when I take notes, and draw pictures that are convenient for me to review based on my own understanding and the teacher’s explanation. I think Sketchnoting will spread to a wide range in teaching at a low age. Because most of the teaching at a young age is basic knowledge, the teacher can make the children understand the knowledge more conveniently through some small drawings. However, in high-age teaching, the knowledge taught is generally more difficult. Sometimes when using Sketchnoting to take notes, it may not be easy to express and not easy to understand.

1 Comment

  1. zhiqingye

    I agree that sketch noting is a quicker and more efficient way of taking notes. I also agree that it helps learners to visualize the learning content while taking notes. I would put it like this; sketch noting is an art of learning and organizing content using visuals, but without relying on technology. In one of the class activities, I used sketch noting to summarize a YouTube video on how to develop a resilient mind in difficult situations. I can say that it is fan and at the same time easy to remember what I learned from the long video by just looking at the short sketch notes. I hope you will try sketch noting while watching videos or movies, and I am sure it will help you understand the stories or movies in a better way. Regarding the SAMR Model, it is a better way of visualizing and organizing learning. Without it, educators can mix-up educational content and end up confusing the students in matters related to multimedia learning. With the SAMR model, educators are able to take learners through steps, beginning with substitution and augmentation, followed by modification and redefining.

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